Great Linode connection speeds (3.9MB/sec - 31mb/sec)

Here are the results of a download speed test:

3.92MegaBytes/sec = >31megabits/sec

Download speed for server rated at : 3.9MB or 31m per second

Very good :)

Good job locating at caker :) It might be that he gives us a lot of problems but their connection speeds are great :)

I would definately suggest increasing the CPU/memory allocation for linodes - as currently it's not enough, particularly on the basic plans.

Another good method would be to modify your OS installer so it installs distros with slightly different times in their crontabs by default :)

That way, linodes would not all run their crontabs at the same time :)

10 Replies

A file of 33,322 bytes really isn't big enough to have any sort of reliable speed test applies to it on a connection like this.

However, I can confirm that on ThePlanet's datacenter at least, it is a superb speed for a large file. I was getting faster results than this before so I assume that the slowness of these results is a temporary thing:

ciaran@matrix:~$ wget
           => `structure.rdf.u8Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 60,019,702 [text/plain]

100%[=======================================================================================>] 60,019,702   899.90K/s    ETA 00:00

15:53:42 (899.90 KB/s) - `structure.rdf.u8.gz' saved [60019702/60019702]

So, about 900KB/s here, testing against a 58MB file. But it has been better before, as I say.

I am also very happy with the download speed. though I am faster at home on my cable :-)

I would like to do the same test as you but you didn't provide the full url.

           => `10.0-IBM-Cloudscape-Linux.bin'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 91,756,110 [application/octet-stream]

100%[====================================>] 91,756,110     1.14M/s    ETA 00:00

08:58:02 (795.56 KB/s) - `10.0-IBM-Cloudscape-Linux.bin' saved [91756110/91756110]

user@hostname:~$ ls -l 10.0-IBM-Cloudscape-Linux.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 xiopher www-data 91756110 Nov 22 16:47 10.0-IBM-Cloudscape-Linux.bin

``` user@hostname:~$ wget --09:10:41-- =>contest.tar.bz2'
Connecting to[]:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 205,366 [application/x-bzip2]

100%[====================================>] 205,366 486.61K/s

09:10:42 (485.88 KB/s) - `contest.tar.bz2' saved [205366/205366]


Benchmarking FTP…

Downloaded 22302016 bytes in 16.22 seconds

Download speed: 1342.46 kB/sec

Benchmarking HTTP…

Downloaded 22780904 bytes in 15.05 seconds

Download speed: 1478.15 kB/sec


Benchmarking FTP…

Downloaded 23808923 bytes in 12.31 seconds

Download speed: 1888.28 kB/sec

Benchmarking HTTP…

Downloaded 23808923 bytes in 19.09 seconds

Download speed: 1217.88 kB/sec

That's on ThePlanet



I would like to do the same test as you but you didn't provide the full url.

I assumed it would be obvious from my command line… anyway, it's .

I was actially talking about the original poster.

but your is a good cantidate too.

It's the end of the month And I have only used 2% bandwidth… I have more to burn :-)

user@hostname:~$ wget
           => `structure.rdf.u8.gz'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 60,019,702 [text/plain]

100%[====================================>] 60,019,702   628.45K/s    ETA 00:00

14:10:44 (843.64 KB/s) - `structure.rdf.u8.gz' saved [60019702/60019702]

I'm @ TP, and I've both sent and received at over 3Mbytes/s ~= 25Mbit/s with a ~300MB file.

I know someone on another forum was downloading a file from one of the Linode users here, and was so impressed at the speed, he had to comment about it. He showed a screenshot of upwards about 6Mbyte/s download.

Line speed is definately not an issue with Linode at both HE and TP.

From a recent Gentoo update:

           => `/usr/portage/distfiles/gawk-3.1.3.tar.gz'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2,078,246 [application/x-gzip]

100%[============================================================================>] 2,078,246      2.22M/s

18:46:24 (2.21 MB/s) - `/usr/portage/distfiles/gawk-3.1.3.tar.gz' saved [2078246/2078246]

As you can see, it's extremely quick. :D

Is there a reliable way to test upload speed?


Is there a reliable way to test upload speed?

Well, you wouldn't want to try from your home connection, since residential upload speeds are usually fairly heavily restricted.

So I'd try scp'ing a file from another server to your Linode to test.

For testing bandwidth, ftp in binary mode is far better.

Reason? scp exacts a CPU overhead and is significantly slower than doing FTP which is more like dumping bytes across the network as fast as it comes in from disk.

Also, I specified binary mode because I still remember how at least one ftp daemon (wu-ftpd) would run like molasses in ASCII mode because it was counting the bytes for statistics reasons.

But the best test of them all would involve something that has no disk I/O at all and minimal CPU overhead. For that, I like tools like ttcp or ttcp-ish type of stuff. :D

Only catch with ttcp is, you have to run it on both ends. If you can't do that, then ftp isn't such a bad option. wget to FTP or HTTP sites isn't bad, either.


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