FTP and mysql

Is there some ftp (hopefully proftpd cause thats what im already using) or some other secure and common ftp server, that i can make authenicate via mysql and work ou what directory they have access to from that?



9 Replies

This ProFTPD plug-in looks like it might suit your needs

I use sftp via openssh on my box.

I host a number of sites for friends, and the admin work is starting to get annoying … so it's time to automate my virtual hosting.

I think I am going to install pam-mysql so that all PAM aware apps can use my master user table.

If ProFTPD utilizes PAM, that may be another option.

that mod looks rad, the only things about it is im not sure how the userid/groupid work in it, because wont i have to give them valid ids for the machine? which i thought was the point of NOT having proper accounts and having eveyrthing done via mysql, so that i didnt have to have them having group/user ids on the machine.. unless im missing something completley here

any help would be appreciated



Actually, my co-worker has made a tutorial for this over at the Gentoo Forums:

Proftpd 1.2.10 with mysql authentication, software qouta, traffic shaper and SSL

thats rad, thanks for that.

im still not quite sure how the groups would work inside of it tho? do i just alocate a section of group ids to put asside for ftp group users or..?



also on that note, do i have to put normal system users into the mysql table as well or will proftpd already deal with them?

anyone know if it is possible to make an easy way of enabling/disabling accounts with this setup, like just adding an extra field to the database and making postfix send a quiery with AND field is true or something like that?

is that even feesable?


Nathan "Internat" Frankish

You could use something like vsftpd and then chroot all local users to their virtual home directories.

well i have postfix working with mysql for authentication and everything is rad, cept taht quotas arent working..stupid pos not sure whats oging on there.. something just seems slightly fubar.. going to redo it all from scratch.. and then document everyhrting i did so that i can do it again.. umm yeah.. i was thinking about how to make it so that peopls accounts are enabled/disabled and i think i can just add to the login thing where accountstatusfield=1 kinda thing cause then obviously its going to not return if there account is disabled.


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