upgrade 2.4.29 - 2.6.10-linode12


that was kinda funky

i upgraded to the new kernel to get mppe support which has been discussed on a diff thread.. and everything went south

mysql wouldnt start

apache didnt even attempt

ssh was running but anny connections just basicly said they were blocked incomming, but funnily enuff it still sent me the systemm key on a diff computer that hadnt sshed

i am on debian and i made sure i did the update to dhcp3-client (even tho im not using dhcp for my ips)

any ideas cause that was just fubar

5 Replies

Debian woody, or have you upgraded? If so, you're affected by the /lib/tls issue.



He fixed it by moving /lib/tls out of the way.


yeah that was my stupidity

Debian testing is currently SARGE not WOODY slaps himself stupid

sarge is affected by the mv /lib/tls /lib/tls-disabled bug :)

my bad

You know, everybody does this, I even did it after I read everybody else doing it, it is easy to forget and doing debian upgrades sometimes recreates /lib/tls.

Maybe it would be worthwhile to put a reminder in big letters on the kernel version selector thing in the linode configuration page where you choose the kernel version.

LOL I just did this this morning banging my head trying to figure out why apache2 with mpm-worker was segfaulting under 2.6 kernel but whistling dixie under 2.4 and fine as mpm-prefork under 2.6. I even kept re-reading the original thread when 2.6 was added to linode and somehow ignoring the tls advice in the first post. I agree it would be convenient if some text were added to the config page where you pick the kernel.


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