The future role of Xen in Linode


I don't participate in the beta, so maybe this is already clear to testers.

What's the plan of Linode to use Xen in the future ? Will there be another seperate hosting plan with Xen , or put Xen under UML ?

I plan to upgrade my plan, but I'll wait and see what will be there for a while.


4 Replies

I am assuming (but not sure) that as Xen becomes more stable, caker is will migrate the linode host machines over to the Xen kernel since Xen is alot faster then UML.

I don't want to say anything for sure, but it sounds like Chris is pretty determined to move all of Linode over to Xen after a few bugs get worked out. The beta so far has shown some amazing results as far as performance, but there's just a couple issues still on the table that need to be resolved before Xen can be deployed.


I don't want to say anything for sure, but it sounds like Chris is pretty determined to move all of Linode over to Xen after a few bugs get worked out.

Well, I wonder if moving to Xen would make it more possible to provide a snapshot-like backup service ? Is this functionality already in the beta ? :)




I don't want to say anything for sure, but it sounds like Chris is pretty determined to move all of Linode over to Xen after a few bugs get worked out.

Well, I wonder if moving to Xen would make it more possible to provide a snapshot-like backup service ? Is this functionality already in the beta ? :)


How would Xen make that easier? UML uses disk images, Xen uses LVM.

If anything, I think making backups of the whole node would be easier under UML.


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