Improving SSL / https performance on apache

hi folks,

I'm experiencing quite decent http response but when the same request is being fetched using https, performance pretty much slows to a crawl.

I'm using Linode 128 with SSL enabled. Apache2, php4 and mod_ssl on Mandrake 9.1

doing a top command, watch -n 1 free -m or even watch -n 1 cat /proc/io_status revealed very little of what might be a problem. the commands all indicate decent performance but https is still very slow.

Was just wondering whether anyone has any tips to share on improving the performance of https on apache? appreciate some hints perhaps on https virtual host config?

much thx


2 Replies

here's an update to my quest to improve my SSL linode speed.

I made sure for my php engine used zlib compression. at php.ini set zlib.output_compression=1. It was markedly faster, maybe 20 - 30%.

I believe more can be done but not sure which SSL directive I need to tweak. any suggestions will be much appreciated.


https will be 'slower' then normal http requests


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