Apache always down

dear all,

would like to know how to solve my provlem. I have an account on Linode 64. Currently, my server httpd always down. I need to restart each time the httpd deamon stuck ..

could anybody help me .. perharps I need tuning.. how to do that..


5 Replies

Which distro are you using?


Which distro are you using?

I'm using Red Hat 9.0 (Small) Profile (default) . Is there any bugs or patch that I have to update


I'm using Red Hat 9.0 (Small) Profile (default) . Is there any bugs or patch that I have to update

I don't have access to a redhat machine right now, but

the command you want is chkconfig. Man checkconfig should get

you going.

chkconfig httpd on

will establish the correct symlinks in the /etc/rc.d/rc?.d directories.

chkconfig –list

will list what services can be enabled or disabled on bootup, as well as their current settings.

This will work with any Red Hat-based distro, including Fedora and CentOS.

tired of solution,

i ve added more storage on /home directory …

now my apache is working fine.

i think the apache has a little kind of temporary files,

once the storage is no more available for the temp files the server shut down by itself

what's your opinion on thsi matter? is it correct the way of apache services handle the http request.?


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