After Installing Ispconfig, I can't connect on :8080

Linode Staff

I just completed installing Ispconfig and when trying to connect through my web browser with https://myip:8080 I get "This Site Can't be Reached".

What am I doing wrong?

1 Reply


If you are having trouble connecting to this page after installation, port 8080 may be closed.

You can check this by running an nmap. The command would be:

nmap -p 8080 yourip

If you find that port 8080 is closed you will need to get this opened up in your firewall settings.

This can change depending on your distribution/ what firewall you are using, but for example if you are using CentOS7 with firewalld you would use:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port 8080/tcp --permanent

Hopefully this helps get you started!


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