I have two Nanodes in Atlanta, one that connects quickly to ssh and another that takes a bit longer. Any ideas why? Or how I can diagnose?

Linode Staff

When running traceroutes to the Linodes, there does not appear to be a networking issue.

Here is the traceroute to the Linode that connects quickly. We will call it Linode A.

$ traceroute xx.xxx.xxx.xx
traceroute to xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx), 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 1.956 ms 0.947 ms 0.733 ms
2 * * *
3 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 11.971 ms 9.238 ms 9.776 ms
4 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 10.454 ms 9.543 ms 9.754 ms
5 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 9.054 ms 8.774 ms 8.866 ms
6 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 12.212 ms 13.008 ms 13.094 ms
7 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 20.557 ms * *
8 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 25.471 ms 18.619 ms 19.975 ms
9 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 17.350 ms 20.610 ms 17.293 ms
10 xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 18.568 ms 19.608 ms 18.398 ms
11 xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 19.266 ms
xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 18.147 ms
xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 18.857 ms
12 * * *

For comparison, below is the traceroute to the Linode with the delay, Linode B:

$ traceroute xx.xxx.xxx.xx
traceroute to xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx), 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 3.717 ms 4.763 ms 0.808 ms
2 * * *
3 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 12.286 ms 9.353 ms 9.028 ms
4 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 9.398 ms 11.167 ms 9.447 ms
5 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 9.230 ms 10.212 ms 17.155 ms
6 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 13.077 ms 14.309 ms 14.203 ms
7 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 20.039 ms 13.394 ms 16.056 ms
8 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 18.902 ms 25.283 ms 23.425 ms
9 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 25.582 ms 16.327 ms 16.984 ms
10 xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 18.711 ms 18.701 ms 17.837 ms
11 scrubbed-url.com (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 19.143 ms
xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 20.093 ms
xx.xxx.xxx.xx (xx.xxx.xxx.xx) 19.407 ms
12 * * *

As you can see the traceroute does not seem out of ordinary. Is there a configuration on the system side that would be causing this? Thanks!

1 Reply

How long is a "a bit"? Do you use the same DNS resolvers and sshd_config?


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