Server security

I didn't follow the lock down guide in getting started.

How do I add security now after I installed all the apps I will use?

2 Replies

Hey there!

Even if you didn't follow the How to Secure Your Server when you first created the Linode, you can still follow many of the points now and that likely won't interfere with the application you have installed. I would, for example, highly recommend hardening your SSH access and removing unused network-facing services. Configuring a firewall can also be done at any time even with applications installed. The only thing you will want to watch out for with your firewall is making sure the ports for the services you have installed remain open.

You may also want to look at this Community Site Question that provides additional information on preventing malicious code injections as that can often be a common vector of attack.

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or run into any issues with this, please let us know!

Thanks Scrane. I've implemented hardening SSH access.


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