kernel 4.17.11-x86_64-linode111 and device-mapper

On my linode, kernel 4.17.8-x86_64-linode110 runs device-mapper, logging as follows:

[ 5.374069] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[ 5.374214] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.39.0-ioctl (2018-04-03) initialised:
[ 5.377998] device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.2.0 loaded
[ 5.378001] device-mapper: multipath queue-length: version 0.2.0 loaded
[ 5.378002] device-mapper: multipath service-time: version 0.3.0 loaded
[ 5.378034] device-mapper: dm-log-userspace: version 1.3.0 loaded
[ 5.378037] device-mapper: raid: Loading target version 1.13.2
[ 8.666138] Adding 2101244k swap on /dev/mapper/xd-db. Priority:0 extents:1 across:2101244k FS

device-mapper does not appear with kernel 4.17.11-x86_64-linode111 .

1 Reply

As 4.17.8-x86_64-linode110 is no longer supported, nor is it the latest kernel, this most likely is no longer an issue. That said, I wanted to respond to this as if it was to provide steps that one can take if they run into an issue with one of our kernels.

We've seen issues with newer kernels affecting some older distro versions, including some that have passed their End Of Life (EOL) date. In these cases, we recommend customers switch their kernel to an older version. You can review older Linode kernels on our website. You should look to use a kernel that was viable the last time you booted up your Linode.

This should get you back up and running, but should NOT be the long term fix. Often, these updates are for security patches. Running anything on an old kernel or distro version that has passed its EOL opens your Linode up to a possible compromise.

Another option is to use GRUB2 as your boot loader. After switch your kernel to GRUB2 from your Linode's configuration profile, there are additional steps needed to configure GRUB, based on your distribution.

It's important to point out that there are caveats when booting under GRUB 2 for both SELinux and when there's no upstream kernel installed.

Other guides that may be helpful here:


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