Docker cant install at Tokyo Server

Hello Guys,

I use new server ubuntu 16.04, I can't install docker service.

But with the same step, I can install docker at GCP.

Always have the error as below:
Aug 11 22:46:07 localhost systemd[1]: docker.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Aug 11 22:46:07 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.

5 Replies

Roll back to an earlier kernel.

Having same issue after a recent emergency maintenance in Tokyo 2. Previous docker containers ran fine, but now there seems to be an issue that the kernel is missing overlay2 drivers.



As PERMANENT stated, the issue is with the kernel. I spoke to Linode support and they verified that kernels are being update and may have some existing side effects.

To fix this issue, stop your instance and click on the instance name in the Dashboard to reach the Edit Configuration Profile menu.

Look for the Kernel under Boot Settings. I set my kernel to GRUB 2. Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page and then boot up your instance.

It should now have the overlay2 drivers needed to run docker.

Kudos to @PERMANENT for the help in finding the solution.

I faced the same problem and setting my kernel to GRUB 2 worked for me. Wondering what is the latest kernel with overlay2 drivers?

GRUB2 worked for me. Wondering know what's happen? Thanks @PERMANENT


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