Cant login as root on PuTTY any more

I ran into a problem with ssh so i could not connect to my linode and i could not restart ssh service so i reninstalled it so my i can connect again and create new users etc. but now i cant login as root on PuTTY anymore ( i could do that before it all messed up) i tryed to make a new user and grant him root but cant login to that user ether.
In the sshd_config PermitRootLogin is set to Yes.

5 Replies

Does the root account still exist and can you still get sudo access?

When i list the accounts i cant see a root account.

Ok, how about sudo commands, does those work?

Ok, that's good at least. I'm not exactly sure how to get the root account back, but you could ask in Linode's IRC channel and someone there might know.


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