Setting up a Node Balancer for High Availability

I am working for a utility company that hosts 3 websites on a 2GB Linode.

Recently one of these Linodes went down and the site stopped working.

I would like to use a Node Balancer for high availability setup.

I have some questions:

  1. Would 1 DB server be sufficient or is it best to avoid all single points of failure
  2. Does using a Node Balancer change the process for HTTPS certificates with LetsEncrypt?

So I'm looking for a setup for high availability for this company.


2 Replies

It seems like you could just clone the web server after you setup HTTPS…

It’s always a great idea to avoid single points of failure to ensure there is no complete loss of service like you experience before. I recommend replicating your database for your active websites. Here is our guide Master-Master MySQL Database Replication that will help walk you through setting this up.

Your setup may vary, but hopefully, this gives you an idea of what database replication looks like.

In regards to your SSL cert, you would indeed have to configure your NodeBalancer to redirect all web connections over port 443/HTTPS. This guide NodeBalancer SSL Configuration will help you with this process.

I also found this guide Let’s Encrypt HTTPS + Linode NodeBalancer that will also help in configuring your NodeBalancer with your SSL cert utilizing Let’s Encrypt.


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