How do i add a MX record with these instructions from Zoho.

1.Log in to your domain registrars web portal.

  1. Launch the 'DNS Manager'/ 'Domain Management Page'/ 'DNS Control Panel' for your account, which lists all the domains you have registered.
  2. Locate the option which specifies 'MX Records'/ 'Email Servers'/ 'Email Settings' (Consult the help pages of your provider or get support from the registrar).
  3. If you have any existing entries, remove those entries.
  4. Locate the option to add new record and select that.
  5. Specify the 'Name'/ 'Host' as '@' or leave it 'Blank'.
  6. Specify the Value as "" for the first record.
  7. Select the priority to 10 or any lower number as supported by your registrar.
  8. Follow the same steps to add another MX record for your domain.
  9. Only the MX records provided below should be listed, to ensure correct email delivery to your domain.
  10. If the TTL is editable, provide the lowest possible value for the changes to effect as early as possible.

And I could not find all the fields as it has been explained in the instructions. in my ADD MX RECORD, I SEE

  1. Mail Server
  2. Priority
  3. Subdomain
  4. TTL

1 Reply

Greetings @billyangu,

Your best bet is to compare the example you see in the guide below and change it to your needs. The instructions from Zoho won't be exact since they are not specifically talking about our platform.

You can find detailed instructions on how to use our DNS Manager here:

Linode Support Team


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