WordPress set up page not showing

I am a novice to Linode and I am trying to get my WordPress set up. I'm running a LAMP stack on putty. I followed the linode tutorial at https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cms/install-wordpress-on-ubuntu-16-04/ but when I try to access my domain on my web browser, it just comes up with the default apache2 page. I have tried looking at other tutorials, but they all say to access the set up for wordpress after extracting files to public_html.

I have read that apache will try to access my deafult index.html instead of my index.php and I should rename my index.html. I tried that and it gave me a list of files to choose to access. None of which worked.

My wordpress directory is empty and everything 'wp-*' file is in public_html.

I appreciate any ideas or help. Thanks!

1 Reply

Hi there,

There are a couple of possibilities here, but it sounds a bit like you don't have PHP installed, or Apache configured to execute PHP files.

I would recommend revisiting the guide you used, and going through the section on testing your PHP installation here:


If the test program in the above section works, then your Apache/PHP installation should be okay.

If you continue to have issues getting this up and running, please respond with the contents of the following files-

  • Everything in /etc/apache2/sites-available/

  • /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

  • and the contents of the /var/www/html directory and its subdirectories.

We'll be better able to help troubleshoot with this information.

Thank you!

Warm regards,

Linode Support Team


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