Login to my Linode via SFTP?

Linode Staff

I'd like to be able to connect to the web server file system via SFTP. Can you give me instructions to access my Linode using FileZilla?

1 Reply

You can connect to SFTP on your Linode straight out of the box. Since SFTP is part of the SSH service, you don't need to perform any additional configurations to get it working. That said, it is a good idea to perform a few configurations to ensure that the service is properly secured, since it does create access to your filesystem via the internet.

I have included our guides on Securing your Server, and Using Advanced OpenSSH Features to Harden Access to your Linode. In particular, I recommend configuring Public Key authentication to restrict who can connect to your Linode, and creating chroot users to limit what they can access once connected.

You can authenticate over SFTP using any user account on your Linode, including root. I have included our guide on using FileZilla for your reference. You can also find instructions on creating a Limited User in the Securing your Server guide linked above.


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