any update on android app ?

I have been using android app which is pretty good but still there are many things which are not available in android app and on play-store it has not been updated since years last update was (June 9, 2014).

are you planning to update that sometime in near future?

Just wanted to know.

Thank you

1 Reply

Hi there,

Thanks for asking about our mobile apps. Neither the Android nor the iOS Linode applications are under active development. We've decided instead to focus on improving the mobile user experience for our web-based applications. To that end, we have developed Cloud Manager, which is presently in beta. You can check it out at on your mobile device.

If you have any suggestions for improving the experience of using Cloud Manager, please don't hesitate to let us know. We check the community site often, and we take user feedback seriously.

Warm regards,

Linode Support Team


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