How can I deploy TCP_BBR on my linode?

My linode is using CentOS 6.8, in order to deploy BBR, I followed some instructions like:


There is this step almost in every instruction:

lsmod | grep bbr

They said this command should return something included "tcp_bbr", but I always got nothing in return.

And I didn't feel any change about the transfer speed on the linode. So I don't know if BBR worked, am I doing it right?

2 Replies

Greetings @hildegard,

I created a new CentOS 6.8 Linode. Prior to running through the tutorial, I ran lsmod and it does not display an output.

$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by

If I run the uname command, I can see the kernel displayed.

$ uname -r

If you uname -r, what do you see?

The guide you shared appears to be for an Ubuntu system as I was unsuccessful in installing the kernel with dpkg.

We do have a guide that goes over this in detail, here:

Particularly, the portion that goes into configuring the kernel may be the steps you are missing.

Linode Support Team

Thanks for reply @pambrosky

Sorry for my bad English language, my question is I don't know if I successfully opened BBR on my linode, do you have a command or guide for CentOS 6 to teach me that?

I think the kernel here is OK, I tried your command here:

uname -r


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