blocking ip addresses

Is there any way to stop some from trying to spam the out of my site? Besides adding them to iptables and grin+bear it? I've dropped almost 100k packets since November 13th, and although I doubt it effects anything in any severe way, it's just very very very annoying. And of course it's some country so I despite me being nice and emailing them a few times nicely, they wont do jack .


2 Replies

The best thing to do is work off your anger and frustration by submitting a post full of f :x :? :evil: :shock: ing expletives to Linode forums :)

Then, if it's not bogging down your machine, block their IPs and forget them.

If you tar pit them or similar, they may well respond by having one of their botnets launch a DoS attack against your Linode, then caker has to null route your IP, then you get so mad that your head explodes.

You can try blocking specific countries. If they're using your webforms, then try mod_geoip. If they're using smtp directly, then you can use an iptables filter program to block that port to specific countries.

Top 12 spam-producing countries in 2004 according to Sophos:
* 1 United States………………….35.70%

2 South Korea........................24.98%

3 China (incl Hong Kong)............9.71%

4 France................................3.19%

5 Spain..................................2.74%

6 Canada...............................2.68%

7 Japan..................................2.10%

8 Brazil..................................1.95%

9 United Kingdom.....................1.57%

10 Germany............................1.23%

11 Australia............................1.22%

12 Poland...............................1.20%


Good luck!


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