Webmin install not working (timeout error)

So i installed the new version of webmin. it asked me for a root passowrd, and then when it was all finished it told me I could login.

Course when ever I try to login I get a timeout error. It's pissing me off. In not a linus user, but I can manage. I tried to reinstall the package with no luck. It just tell me that it is all ready installed.

What am i missing? Oh I am using CentinOS 4

thank for any help

1 Reply

Did you start the webmin daemon? I haven't used webmin in a long time, but IIRC, it has its own webserver that needs to be running. I also recall that it serves up HTTP on port 10000. So to pull up webmin, you'll need to use a URL like this:


Of course, the webmin folks very well may have changed their methodologies in the 5 years since I've touched their product.

Webmin's great at first glance, but the best suggestion I could give you for learning linux is to not use webmin. Learning how to effectively navigate and get things done on the command line is an incredibly valuable skill. Once you learn this skill, you'll be able to get things done much faster than if you were using webmin. Just my $0.02, though.


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