What's the deal with Linode Images?

I've read the article on creating and managing images.

I understand the gist of it.

On Linodes home page > Manage Images, I've noticed that when I create Linodes the Disks get added under Manage Images with expiration dates. These disks are not the required size of 2048Mb and seem to be temporary.

My question is under what circumstances does Linode create Images? Do they actually expire on said date that appears? When will there be documentation on this particular issue? I've noticed that page Images BETA how long will it stay that way?

Thank you in advance to anyone who can answer anything.

2 Replies

There are some complexities involved with what shows up under your "Images" list in either Cloud or Classic Managers, so hopefully I can clarify those complexities while answering your questions.

  • My question is under what circumstances does Linode create Images?

There are two ways to create a non-public disk image for use in Linode or disk creation:

  1. Using the Linode Images service (does not expire)
  2. Automatically when deleting a Linode that has been in service for an appreciable amount of time (does expire)
  • Do they actually expire on said date that appears?

Yes, automatically-created images of deleted Linodes will be deleted and become irretrievable upon their expiration date. If you need such an image beyond that date, reach out to Support and we'll do what we can to accommodate you.

  • When will there be documentation on this particular issue?

You've already seen our documentation on Linode Images for Classic Manager, but note that we also have documentation for Linode Images for Cloud Manager. Otherwise, documentation on the nature and availability of auto-saved images is currently lacking, so I've added this issue to our internal tracker for future implementation. Thanks for pointing this out!

  • I've noticed that page Images BETA how long will it stay that way?

With the release of Cloud Manager, Linode Images is no longer considered in Beta. However, we're still improving Cloud Manager (I've also logged suggestions for improvement based on your questions), so please send any feedback or other suggestions to feedback@linode.com.

Thank you so much! You answered all of my questions and I truly appreciate it. Keep up the good work.


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