Access NodeBalancer log files for originating IP

Linode Staff

On the server side all my requests are logged as coming from the NodeBalancer, which is normal. However, is there anyway I can access the log files of the NodeBalancer? I need to check the originating IP for certain requests.

1 Reply

Users are not able to access NodeBalancer logs, but if you configure them to use the HTTPS protocol for communicating with the backend Linodes, they will provide X-Forwarded-For headers that contain the originating client’s IP.

If you're looking for a way to achieve this using the TCP protocol (so that SSL connections terminate at the backends instead of at the NodeBalancer), you can set up an HAProxy load balancer configured to use the Proxy protocol for passing back the X-Forwarded-For headers.

You might find the discussion in this post helpful as well.


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