How do I delete a disk on the new Cloud Manager?

Linode Staff

I am not sure how to delete a disk on the new Cloud Manager. Can you help me with this?

1 Reply

Happy to help out! Deleting a disk via the Cloud Manager is simple:

  1. Navigate to your Linode's dashboard.
  2. Power off your Linode via the dropdown towards the top right of the page. (The Linode needs to be powered down to delete disks)
  3. Once the Linode is shut down successfully, press the Settings tab.
  4. Press the + to expand the Advanced Configurations panel.
  5. Under the Disks section, press the (more options ellipsis) on the disk you're looking to delete. There will be an option to Delete the disk.
  6. Once you have pressed the Delete option, a pop will appear to have you confirm the deletion of the disk. You'll then see a pop up towards the bottom right that your Disk is queued for deletion and thats it!

Linode Support Team


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