Add multiple credit cards

I'm managing Linode hosts for several different clients, so I'll be setting everything up and they will pay for it. That means I need to add more than one credit card to the account or per user. Is there anyway to do this, or does each client need to create their own account and then add me on as a user?

4 Replies

We don't offer a way to have multiple cards on file for a single account.

If you're intent on having each of your clients pay separately, then, yes, I'd suggest having them create the accounts and adding you as a user. This would allow your clients full access and ownership to all of the data on the account, so you'll want to keep that in mind.

Alternately, you can collect the funds from your clients on your end, and make a single payment per month to cover all of the costs. That would be extra leg work on your end, however.

Thanks, yeah I'd like to avoid the latter situation as then I'd become a bill collector and could spend my whole day trying to collect payment from other people :-). So I guess I'll try for the first option. Thanks for the quick response.

No problem! I can't say I blame you there. :)

Hi @nickrod, I came across this thread as I was trying to figure the exact same thing out for myself. Ultimately I'm just going to bill my clients myself, but I'm wondering, if you went the route of creating a new Linode account for each client (with a different credit card in each) do you just have different user logins for yourself on each account? My related question is here. Thanks!


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