Wanna say some issues about linode service

Firstly, One of ur support staff is very very unfriendly, he is Mikegrb on this forum.

based on the below questions, he think i need to verify my personal credicat information.

1) your order was given a high fraud score

2) the bank you claimed issued your credit card is named after you

3) you filled false information into the box for the phone number on the back of the

credit card.

4) the IP that your signup came from was also identified as an open proxy in the past

my answer is:

1). what's ur method for verify the owner of the credit card? other well-known company only

need to enter the credit number and three or four digital security code.

2). i don't know what ur means, pls give me an example.

3). if i missed the telephone number, that's not important.

4). if i sign up the linode plan via a proxy, that will be my private proxy on my paid

vps, i never use a public proxy for surfing the internet. coz i am a security specialist.

Some suggestions:

1). Please improve ur credit card authenticating process. based on ur current method, i

believe more people would get the issues as me.

2). ur company support is not friendly, and have no patience.

26 Replies

I have no more time to waste on these nonsense issues. please give me an explaintation or give back my money as soon as possible.

I have given you an explanation both in reply to your previous post and in the IRC channel. I apologize for not providing an explanation that you feel is adequate. As stated in the email message posted to the forums, the charges will be voided.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Occasionally, we need further verification that people who signup are indeed who they say they are. Otherwise, we open our ourselves and our existing clients to possible activity on our network that could adversely affect them. There is so much fraudulent activity online that we've learned to be safe rather than sorry.

In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with the way this was handled. I apologize if this extra step is annoying, but for the reasons mentioned above I feel it's warranted.

We asked you to verify your signup details (via the instructions in the email you received) or get a refund and go elsewhere. The choice is yours.

Kind regards,


thx caker. i plan to get a refund. pls solve it as soon as possible. note: pls keep my credit card information safely, i am not trust the transaction system of ur company.


thx caker. i plan to get a refund. pls solve it as soon as possible. note: pls keep my credit card information safely, i am not trust the transaction system of ur company.

Personally I'd trust linode more then the rest since Linode seems to really care about what their systems are used for.

Yeah, I personally give Linode credit for keeping anyone who'd take issues like this to a public forums off of my host :)


..Otherwise, we open our ourselves and our existing clients to possible activity on our network that could adversely affect them. i love you, Caker.

hehe.. they only love his money , i have asked carker lots of times on the irc for my problems, also mikegrb, they kicked me out on irc.

they aslo think they have good at english, think i can not understand what they means. tell me that we have tell u more than n times, u got many responses. but u do not listen. my question is: when would i can get my refund? they means u can review the first email we sent u, the below is the email:


In regards to this order, we will need a signed authorization from the credit card

holder before being able to activate this account.

Please copy the credit card holder's license (front and back) and the credit card

used (front and back) and fax to 1-(615)-301-0265 (fax) or email to

service@linode.com. Please complete this within 48 hours, or this signup will be

cancelled and the charges voided.

Thank you,



I do not wanna waste my time any more, i get my refund, i would leave here, end voidness discussion. Caker, Mikegrb, and Linode Manager, please solve my problem as soon as possible. :)



..Otherwise, we open our ourselves and our existing clients to possible activity on our network that could adversely affect them. i love you, Caker.


Caker, Mikegrb, and Linode Manager, please solve my problem as soon as possible.

Having read your posts to the Linode support forums, I personally am of the opinion that solving your problem might require a mental health professional.




Caker, Mikegrb, and Linode Manager, please solve my problem as soon as possible.

Having read your posts to the Linode support forums, I personally am of the opinion that solving your problem might require a mental health professional.


I fear that this case may be too extreme for a mental health professional, zunzun. Since a forum banning and an IRC kicking don't seem to have done the trick, caker needs to get out his LART and apply it to the problem. Probably the first ever deployment of said tool in the history of Linode.

Thank f**k he didn't get on my host.

the problem seems simple, but the linode support did not want to give me any replies, even no replies. thx caker, he told me the solution.



Caker, Mikegrb, and Linode Manager, please solve my problem as soon as possible.

Having read your posts to the Linode support forums, I personally am of the opinion that solving your problem might require a mental health professional.


Nononsense advice u go to a professional hospital for ur extreme mental illness.




Caker, Mikegrb, and Linode Manager, please solve my problem as soon as possible.

Having read your posts to the Linode support forums, I personally am of the opinion that solving your problem might require a mental health professional.


I fear that this case may be too extreme for a mental health professional, zunzun. Since a forum banning and an IRC kicking don't seem to have done the trick, caker needs to get out his LART and apply it to the problem. Probably the first ever deployment of said tool in the history of Linode.

Thank f**k he didn't get on my host.


Since a forum banning and an IRC kicking don't seem to have done the trick, caker needs to get out his LART and apply it to the problem.
Yes this is the solution.

select * from luser where clue>0;


No row(s) returned


Yes this is the solution.

select * from luser where clue>0;


No row(s) returned
Let's try and have some respect here, folks. This is (was) a paying linode customer…for all we know he might have gotten turned off by the not-so-warm reception he received in this forum.

I dont think he was ever actually a customer, he never made it that far :) cause his details were all wrong etc so an account was never issued from what i can tell.. so he is now just some random person trolling our forums.. GET HIM GUYS! charge



thx, anderiv, caker, i got the discount. if possible, pls reactivate my account "zhaoke" at this forum. thx again.



Yes this is the solution.

select * from luser where clue>0;


No row(s) returned
Let's try and have some respect here, folks. This is (was) a paying linode customer…for all we know he might have gotten turned off by the not-so-warm reception he received in this forum.

Just to clearify a few things, his original forums account was not turned off and he was not a paying Linode customer, he signed up for a Linode but was not satisfied with our activation process.

en, thank u, my account is available for using at this forum.


Just to clearify a few things, his original forums account was not turned off and he was not a paying Linode customer, he signed up for a Linode but was not satisfied with our activation process.


for all we know he might have gotten turned off by the not-so-warm reception he received in this forum.

This is absolutely not true in my case, so watch the "we" stuff. I am mocking him and making fun of him after reading his rude luser posts.



This is absolutely not true in my case, so watch the "we" stuff. I am mocking him and making fun of him after reading his rude luser posts.

Heh - I'm not interested in getting into a flame war here, but that statement sheds much light on your character. Despite the public aspect of this forum, Linode is a legit business - I'd expect that caker et. al. would perfer that we err on the side of respect for the customers and potential customers. Both you and I know that the language barrier played a large role in the (mis)communication between this customer and the linode folks. Yes, many of the OP's statements came off as rude - that doesn't make it right to mock him.

I admit i have little experience of dealing with such a specific sitiuation, but your stuff becomes downright unfriendly (the same no reponse) before my rude posts.



for all we know he might have gotten turned off by the not-so-warm reception he received in this forum.

This is absolutely not true in my case, so watch the "we" stuff. I am mocking him and making fun of him after reading his rude luser posts.



… that statement sheds much light on your character.

How so?


This discussion isn't going anywhere…I'm done here.

zhaoke, i'm a chinese, and i understand ur concern, but i doubt you will get refund from them since they ain't doing things wrongly.

try use a credit card from a foreign bank, i remember i had my account setup without a hassle.

zhaoke wasn't looking for a refund - he couldn't or wouldn't go through the activation process required for opening an account using a credit card that has been rated as high-risk by Linode's transaction processor - so he didn't get signed up.

> for all we know he might have gotten turned off by the not-so-warm reception he received in this forum.

Even if that was the case, which it seems not to be, I wouldn't worry – it's been balanced out by me being turned on by it :) I like communities that shun the stupid~

Now all I need is to stop being a penniless student, and I can finally get my services off my home DSL connection…


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