when will i get my money back?

i got nothing email reply from linode, when will i get my money back?

5 Replies

You received a reply here in the forums. You will receive a refund as stated in the message with subject "Linode Order Status"

ok, if i try not actively ask u, u will not give me any reply. this is ur buiness. pls send my refund as soon as possible!


You received a reply here in the forums. You will receive a refund as stated in the message with subject "Linode Order Status"

Will? no, i still not receieve my refund, the email u sent as the below:

In regards to this order, we will need a signed authorization from the credit card

holder before being able to activate this account.

Please copy the credit card holder's license (front and back) and the credit card

used (front and back) and fax to 1-(615)-301-0265 (fax) or email to

service@linode.com. Please complete this within 48 hours, or this signup will be

cancelled and the charges voided.

Thank you,



48 hours passed by, Anyone stole my money?


48 hours passed by, Anyone stole my money?
Your refund posted two days ago, however your credit card processing agency might take a day or two to process it.


thank you, caker, u finally give me a response.



48 hours passed by, Anyone stole my money?
Your refund posted two days ago, however your credit card processing agency might take a day or two to process it.



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