✓ Solved

How do I get a job with Linode?

Linode Staff

How can I look for a open position at Linode?

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

You can see all of our available positions on our official careers page. Linode is now a part of Akamai, so you can view available positions at the Akamai Careers site.

We also post on community boards and official recruiting platforms like Indeed, Linkedin and Glassdoor.

While it is not uncommon for a member of our Talent Team to reach out directly, we encourage you to be diligent if you encounter other, potentially fraudulent, domains in correspondence from unofficial channels. As one of the Best Places To Work with Award Winning Support, it's also not uncommon for us to get some ill-intentioned imitators.

Phone support is available day and night for existing customers, account support, and general inquiries so please feel free to reach out if you have concerns about the legitimacy of a listing:

U.S.: 855-454-6633
Intl.: +1-609-380-7100


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