Where Can I View These Errors and What do they Mean?


Apr 24 18:18:17 bigst apachectl[4270]: (98)Address already in use: 
AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Apr 24 18:18:17 bigst apachectl[4270]: (98)Address already in use: 
AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
Apr 24 18:18:17 bigst apachectl[4270]: no listening sockets 
available, shutting down
Apr 24 18:18:17 bigst apachectl[4270]: AH00015: Unable to open 

This is what I am listening to, i.e. https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/hosting-a-website-ubuntu-18-04/.

Outside of that article, I have been trying to get the "single" file (a .conf file) of my website to use my .crt, .ca-bundle, and .key files.

I got the site up earlier and it worked. I left the location and came back. The server was down and apache2 cannot restart. I see that I cannot open logs and that the address is in use.

What is the "cure" for this idea?


P.S. My old config. is a thing of the past. I have been tirelessly trying to change the .conf files and set up my other files to support logs.

2 Replies

Hello Again…I know,

Okay so, I have been up and down trying to get apache.service to run again. I tried reload and restart. I tried enable and rebooted.

I am not sure what I can do at this point unless this is an issue on your side of things.

I changed up the .conf files, blah-blah.com.conf and blah-blah.II.com.conf, to be two files instead of one entire file w/ multiple IfModule Directives.

Anyway, I set up files for booting an html page w/ bootstrap, html, and a couple links and scripts in my html page.

See here: https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/tryit.asp?filename=trybs_temp_blog&stacked=h.

I am trying to use some cdn scripts and link stylesheets.

Anyway…is this allowed or do I need to repurpose my online website to handle cdn scripts and link stylesheets?


P.S. I just would like normalcy in my site w/out the headache of unknowingly making errors. Send guidance!

Hello Once More,

Forget this post and all of my posts so far. Everything is working now and I have been foolish to think that everything is verbatim.



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