Help understading Plesk?

TL;DR: What is Plesk? Is it just a control panel? Or does it actually automate all of the tasks I would need for a webserver?

I host a handful of websites for myself and a couple of clients.

I love the benefits of having a Linode VPS; the amount of horsepower per dollar is much better than getting something like WpEngine, and it's generally a much better performer than cheap shared hosting accounts.

I recently migrated my sites over to a Shared Hosting provider because I am a very novice Linux admin and I was afraid I would end up with a poorly-maintain webserver.

What I want is something with the horsepower/dollar ratio of a Linode VPS, but something that is compatible with an amateur Linux admin.

Is Plesk a solution for me? I am having a hard time understanding what exactly it is. Is it just a control panel like Webmin/Virtualmin? Or does it actually provided the benefits of a managed VPS from a VPS-based hosting provider?

What I really want is a system to manager the server software itself, because I am afraid I will eventually neglect something if I try to do it all myself via CLI.

1 Reply

We can absolutely relate to recognizing the additional responsibility and risk that comes with system administration through the command line. Plesk is a control panel that is 100% automated and includes features that make it easy for you to manage your server and domains while reducing the resources needed to do so.

As with any technology tool or resources, there is a learning curve to get acquainted with the control panel that you use, including plesk.

You can find thorough tutorials with screenshots and step-by-step instructions in Plesk's documentation. They also have a suite of Video Tutorials to help walk you through smaller tasks.

In order to determine if Plesk is the right solution for you, we recommend reaching out to their support. They have a well organized help center that can offer some insight, as well as a chat line for more direct questions.


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