How do I create a testing server based on my live linode?


I want to create a copy of our live website and database to use as a testing instance for modifying code and testing new functionality, etc.

How do I get this done, please?
Copy/clone the linode?
Does that also make a copy of the database or do I have to manually export the MySQL database in PhpMyAdmin and recreate a copy to connect to the cloned linode?
Will the cloned linode get a different IP address?

Thanks for all your help in advance to a Linode newbie.

3 Replies

Hi, yeah you can clone the Linode and it will get a different IP address. Everything should copy over.

Cloning your Linode over is the easiest way to make a copy, but if your Linode is running at the time that you clone it then I'd recommend exporting your database through PHPMyAdmin as you mention, or taking a copy of it with mysqldump, then importing it into the new Linode.

Cloning a Linode with a live database can cause the database to run into errors or have crashed tables on the new Linode, but you could either shut down the Linode or stop the database service while the clone is taking place to avoid problems.

Thank you very much for responding, both of you. I can shut down the live Linode in order to clone it properly.

I truly appreciate your quick help.


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