SQL server standard 2012

Please I need full details about setup and configuration steps to get Sage Evolution pastel with 2012 SQL server as backend run on the Linode cloud I have just created. Thanks for the help.

1 Reply

Looking at Sage's website, there's a lot of versions and modules that are available. It would be hard to assist you without some additional information, such as which specific Sage product you're looking to use, as searching their site Sage Evolution pastel provides a number of results.

On their website, I found a couple sections that look to be the most helpful in identifying what you'll need for setting something up:

Something I noticed from the downloads page, there doesn't appear to be any packages for running this on a Linux machine. When searching their site for "Linux", the results stated:
We're sorry, we couldn't find any matching results for linux

This tells me you'll need to be running Windows on a Linode to get this working. This can be done, but Linode Support doesn't support Windows. For steps in setting this up, you can refer to this Community site post:

Can I spin up a Windows Server linode?


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