Are images supposed to work across datacenters?

I`m trying to deploy servers to all Linode datacenters from an Image in Newark. They are all deployed and booted. All, but the Newark server, gets this just after boot:

"Kernel panic - not syncing: No working init found."

Any hint about about the causes?

1 Reply

Hey @tomlobato, you certainly can deploy an image to all of our data centers. If you are looking to deploy these backup images to Linodes in all data centers, follow these steps please:

  1. Go to the Backups section of the Linode in your Cloud Manager
  2. Click on the ellipses of the Linode backup you wish to deploy on the right-hand side and select deploy to new Linode.
  3. At this point, select which datacenter you wish to deploy the image to and wait for it to deploy.
  4. Repeat this until you've deployed your backups into all of the data centers that you want.

"Kernel panic - not syncing: No working init found."

I'm sorry to hear about your Linode experiencing a kernel panic. These errors are similar to the infamous Windows blue screen of death. Good news! I have two guides for you to check out:

One method is changing your Linode's kernel. It is highly recommended that you use the latest version of Linode's kernel. Additionally, you can set your kernel to GRUB2; this is the default kernel that comes with the distro. One more thing I'd like to mention while you are editing the configuration profile of the disk, it is highly advisable to keep auto-networking configuration enabled.

Additionally, you can look into troubleshooting your Linode in Rescue Mode. Once you have rebooted your Linode into Rescue Mode, you want to run a file system check to ensure there are no issues with your disk. After you run the file system check, if everything comes back looking good, go ahead and reboot your Linode normally.

If you need any further assistance, definitely reply here or create a ticket and we'll be glad to help! :)

Tom P.
Linode Support Team


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