How do I install a new ssl certificate?

My site currently says my certificate has expired. I have an auto renew ssl with 123-reg and I can see how to download that through my 123 account but I am not sure where that goes in my lined account. Can anyone advise please?

2 Replies

If you have an SSL cert setup with the company 123-reg Ltd. then you'll have to contact them for help. They might give you a signed certificate along with a certificate chain that you would have to setup the new certificate via the command line.

There's guides on Linode on how to do this, but that depends on whether you're running Apache or Nginx.

Hey there,

SSL certificates are placed on the filesystem of the Linode itself and can't be configured from your Cloud Manager.

Here are the documents for SSL certificates that LouWestin referenced.

You can use variations of the following commands to find the location of your current SSL certificate:

`$ find /home/username/ -name "*.key"

`$ find /home/username/ -name "*.pem"

We hope that helps!

Tara T
Linode Support Team


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