Multiple Sites on One IP

Hi, I'm new to Linode and still learning the set-up process, but have come across a problem I cannot resolve…

I have set the basics up for my server and all working. The hostname for the server is (added to the /etc/host and /etc/hostname [Ubuntu 18.04] files).

I have two domains pointing to the Linode nameservers… and They have both been added as domains on the same Linode, I have set-up their DNS records. Both sites have been added to Apache etc and have basic index.html files in their respective public_html folders.

The problem then is if you go to in the browser, it instantly loads which itself never loads - the browser just tries to refresh the whole time. If you go to directly, the browser tries to refresh the whole time.

Any ideas? I can ssh to etc so all that part works, but I'm confused on what I have broken with having two domains on one IP. Any ideas very much welcome.



1 Reply

Hey Simon,

This sounds like there's an issue with your vHost (apache) or your Server Blocks (NGiNX) file, which would explain why when you go to it will get pointed to I added a link to NGiNX's and Apache's website for examples explaining the possible configurations for having multiple domains with one IP address.

NGiNX Server Block Examples

Apache VirtualHost Examples

Make sure that you restart apache or NGiNX after you make these configuration adjustments.


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