How do I install VyOS on my Linode

Linode Staff


I was wondering if you would be able to explain the process required to install VyOS on my Linode.

I am intending to build a network firewall to protect the rest of my Linodes.


4 Replies

Hey there,

I'd be happy to assist you with this process.

Being that VyOS is not one of our supported distributions, you will need to follow the process outlined in our Installing a custom distribution on a Linode guide.

I personally went through this process on my own Linode and used the ISO provided by VyOS on their Rolling Release page, vyos-1.2-rolling-201908051421-amd64.iso 408.00MB 2019-08-05 12:36:40.

During the installation process I ran into an issue stating that /lib/live/mount/medium needed to be unmounted which I was unable to do using umount or fuser and ultimately I needed to recreate my disks and begin the process again which worked properly the second time. I also wanted to note that the installation process will prompt you to install the distribution on the /dev/sda drive. Being that the "Installing a custom distribution" guide directs you to use separate disk for your "Boot" configuration profile which is identified by /dev/sdb in the "Installer" configuration profile, I switched the prompts identifying /dev/sda to /dev/sdb.

On the second attempt I was able to get this distribution installed on my "Boot" disk which is /dev/sda in my "Boot" configuration profile and /dev/sdb in my "Installer" configuration profile.

The rest of this installation is custom internal configurations which fall outside the scope of Linode Support but it looks like VyOS has some great information in their User Guide which should be able to assist you with the rest of this install.

I wanted to post this question over here on the Community Site to see if anyone else on our platform has any experience or insight regarding how to configure a custom firewall for your Linode's using VyOS.

I hope this information helps.

Matt Watts
Linode Support

If you follow this guide:

After you boot, if you go into the Linux Installers sections, you can scroll down to VyOS and install that way.

When VyOS boots you can log in with vyos/vyos, and then install image to install it to disk, then reboot into the installation. You'll need to do most of it via LISH because it won't be configured to do DHCP+SSH.

You can also follow and end up with an image you can then start other Linodes from. You can skip the Configure Lish Access and Additional System Configuration steps.

It will have an issue resizing for every one you deploy but it doesn't affect anything.

To install VyOS on a Linode virtual server, you can follow Drift Boss these general steps:

  1. Create a Linode: Log in to your Linode account and create a new Linode instance. Choose the desired region, plan, and other configuration options according to your requirements.

  2. Access the Linode: Once your Linode instance is created, you will need to access it via SSH. You can use an SSH client like OpenSSH or PuTTY to connect to your Linode using the provided IP address and login credentials.

  3. Download VyOS: In your Linode SSH session, download the VyOS installation ISO file. You can use the wget command to retrieve the ISO directly to your Linode.

  4. Attach the ISO: In your Linode management interface, attach the VyOS ISO file to your Linode instance. This will make the ISO available as a virtual CD-ROM for installation.

  5. Reboot and start installation: Restart your Linode instance, and it will boot from the attached VyOS ISO. Follow the on-screen prompts to start the installation process.

  6. Configure VyOS: Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to configure VyOS. Provide the necessary network settings, including IP addresses, gateway, and DNS. Follow the instructions to set up the desired VyOS configuration.

  7. Access VyOS: After the configuration is complete, you can access your VyOS instance via SSH using the IP address you configured.

To install VyOS on your Linode, follow these steps:

Deploy a new Linode instance: Log in to your Linode account, navigate to the Linodes section, and click on the "Add Linode" button. Choose your preferred plan, select a data center region, and set your root password.

Access Linode's Dashboard: Once your Linode is deployed, access its dashboard.

Access Linode's Console: In the dashboard, click on your Linode's name, then go to the "Remote Access" tab, and launch the LISH console. This will provide you with a command-line interface to interact with your Linode.

Download VyOS image: You'll need to download the VyOS installation image. You can find the latest version on the VyOS website. Use the wget command to download the image directly to your Linode. For example:

Copy code
wget mp3 juicey2matetubidy
Upload the image to Linode: Once the image is downloaded to your local machine, you'll need to upload it to your Linode. Linode provides a web-based uploader for this purpose. Go to your Linode's dashboard, click on the "Settings" tab, then "Advanced Configuration", and use the "Upload Disk Image" option to upload the VyOS ISO.

Boot into Rescue Mode: Once the image is uploaded, boot your Linode into rescue mode. This allows you to access your Linode's filesystem without booting into the installed operating system.

Access Linode via SSH: Once in rescue mode, connect to your Linode via SSH using the provided IP address and the root password you set during deployment.

Prepare the disk: Use the lsblk command to identify the disk. Typically, it's /dev/sda. Make sure to partition and format the disk appropriately.

Mount the disk: Create a directory to mount the disk, for example:

Copy code
mkdir /mnt/disk
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk
Install VyOS: Change your directory to where the VyOS image is mounted, typically /mnt/disk, and run the installation command. For example:

Copy code
cd /mnt/disk
sudo ./
Follow the installation wizard: The installation script will guide you through the installation process. Follow the prompts to set up VyOS on your Linode.

Reboot: Once the installation is complete, reboot your Linode. It should now boot into VyOS.

That's it! You have successfully installed VyOS on your Linode. You can now configure it according to your requirements.


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