How do I backup my Linode to an offsite location?

Linode Staff

Can you please help with backup.

I describe situation.
I want to backup my data (maybe image, maybe zip) to dropbox or other cloud system.

Or I can for 10/month make this automatically? And then I can download the archive to myself? Will it be kept while I pay? And if I remove the linode, then backup will still be stored?

Please, any suggestion for cheapest and fast way.

1 Reply

There are a couple of options here.

If you want to create an offsite backup of your Linode to be stored on dropbox, or another cloud system, you can download an image of your Linode. Our Download Disk over SSH guide will walk you through this process.

You can then save this image wherever you'd like and can use the Upload Disk over SSH to restore the backup at a later date.

Or I can for 10/month make this automatically? Will it be kept while I pay? And if I remove the linode, then backup will still be stored?

The $10 a month sounds like you are referring to the [Linode Backup Service](). This service takes automatic backups of your Linode each day. If you were to delete your Linode, or cancel this service, your backups would also be deleted.

Please, any suggestion for cheapest and fast way.

This depends on what you are hoping for. If you'd like to delete your Linode, but take a backup to restore from at a later date, the first option I described is best.

If you are looking to have backups of a Linode you'd like to stay up and running, then the Backup Service is likely the better option.

If you'd like to only backup your "data" to an offsite location, there is a third option. You could configure a tool such as rsync to automatically download specific folders to your computer which you could then upload to a different cloud service. I'd recommend reviewing our Backing up your data, specifically the Rsync section.


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