Using Plesk On Linode ?

Hi Guys, Sadly im not much good at commend line. If I pay someone to work on my server it defeats the object as I may as well just switch to a shared hosting package with a control panel.

Im wondering if I install Plesk on my Linode, will it make it much easier to manage ?

Things Ive been having problem with at commend line are things like updating php versions, or adding a new ssl certificate for my websites.

Can all this be done in Plesk ? and how easy is it to keep Plesk updated on the lined ? ?

1 Reply

It sounds like Plesk might be a great fit for you! While I haven't personally used Plesk before, it looks like you can manage PHP versions, install SSL certificates, and update Plesk all from the comfort of its user interface.

If you'd like to try it out, Plesk has created an excellent guide on installing their software to a Linode. Keep in mind that this guide is using our Classic Linode Manager (, and the instructions are a bit different when deploying from a Community StackScript in our new Cloud Linode Manager (

We also have a guide on choosing control panels if you'd like to review some other options.


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