Install the SlickStack LEMP on Linode cloud

Is there faster way to install the SlickStack VPS script for WordPress servers on the Linode setup process??

= Ubuntu, Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL, Redis for the object caching

From documentation is using only Shell commands, can Linode offer easier one-click version to setup the new WordPress LEMP stack because seems default one has no FastCGI Cache and features….

I absolutely do not want Apache junk.

Or is there LEMP version for WordPress that you recommend? thanks

3 Replies

I'm not Linode spokesperson…and I don't play one on TV.

You write:

From documentation is using only Shell commands, can Linode offer easier one-click version to setup the new WordPress LEMP stack because seems default one has no FastCGI Cache and features….

Linode is an infrastructure provider…not a provider of applications or solutions. If you don't like shell commands and/or want certain features, you should sign up (and pay for) managed hosting…or buy a book and learn how to configure/implement them yourself.

I absolutely do not want Apache junk.


Most web admins disagree with you.

-- sw

Hey there,

Installing a LEMP stack (or anything else, for that matter) using shell commands can be a bit time consuming. Because of that, we've made it so that you can deploy a new Linode quickly using our Community StackScripts. There are several LEMP stack and WordPress scripts in there so you'll have a good variety to choose from. I want to point you to our documentation on using StackScripts:

Automate Deployment with StackScripts

I looked through our library and although we don't seem to have one specifically for SlickStack, you're always welcome to make one if you'd like to and add it to our system. The guide I linked above has a section that discusses creating a new StackScript, and I'll link you to it directly here:

Creating a New StackScript

From documentation is using only Shell commands, can Linode offer easier one-click version to setup the new WordPress LEMP stack because seems default one has no FastCGI Cache and features….

I agree with this. A WordPress LEMP One-Click App would be great, so I'm submitting that idea to the team to look into.

If anyone wants here is a video tutorial on Youtube for installing the SlickStack LEMP script on Linode specifically:

How To Install WordPress with SlickStack (Enable Nginx FastCGI Cache, Redis Object Cache) (LEMP)

Most of the tutorial info on this page also applies to Linode:

From documentation is using only Shell commands, can Linode offer easier one-click version to setup the new WordPress LEMP stack because seems default one has no FastCGI Cache and features…

Because most of LEMP scripts for WordPress like SlickStack only require a single shell command to get started so having any one-click image on cloud platforms like Linode (etc) isn't really saving much time because you would still need to login shell and setup the configuration settings and run the installation command anyways.

wget -O ss && bash ss

If Linode allowed you to save certain variables in your account that shell scripts could access, maybe that would be different. However that is probably never going to happen for security reasons and it's not really vendor-agnostic, either…


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