Cannot login


When I login, it's in with a blank screen. Do you know why?

13 Replies

There have been several reports of this, all with Chrome; until Linode fixes the issue, you can try using a different browser (Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc).

Not working for me on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Have tried clearing cookies.

Yup, same here. Cannot login from anything. Chrome, firefox, IE and even chrome on android. I mean I can login, but nothing shows afterwards.

Same here.

I got an error in the Debug console:


Yes, same here, same javascript error

There should be some way to escalate this, as right now it appears that it will stay down until someone at linod just happens to notice


Linode is already aware, and is working on fixing it.

Edit to add: they've received many phone calls, including one from me, about the issue.

Hopefully they can fix it soon as there is something else i need to fix on the server. Sigh. uses the API to provide the Classic Linode Manager interface; it only has Linodes and DNS implemented at present, but if that covers what you need, you could use it in the meantime. It is secure, as it interacts with the API via Javascript running in your browser (just like Cloud Manager), and uses OAuth for authentication, so it never sees your password.

Thank you dwfreed. Classic version works!

I think it's caused by the 2 script tags after the body tag.

<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script><script>window.setTimeout(()=>{var t=document.getElementsByClassName("ada-iframe")[0];t&&t.setAttribute("title","Ada Support Chat Bot")},2e3)</script>

Thanks but actually I need to access the abuse ticket telling them the compromised account is fixed, if not my rDNS will have issue and no emails can be sent out.

Thank you all for reporting this issue and contributing to find workarounds as we are investigating this further.

I see that our status page has already been posted but I'll include it once again for reference. You can find all updates regarding this situation on that page.


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