502 and 504 errors

I'm unable to access my website through a regular browser. The error messages alternate between 502 & 504. When I look at my dashboard, there was a spike in CPU usage (maxed at about 5%) and IPv4 traffic (all public inbound) this morning.

The only thing I did in the time that shows the spikes is add a moderate amount of data to a database the site connects to. No other modifications at all made to the site. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

1 Reply

The 502 and 504 errors are typically related to gateway issues. Here's a page I found online that gives a great rundown of the 5xx errors:

HTTP Status Codes - 5xx

In regard to these errors, we have another post here that gives you some steps you can take to troubleshoot the 502:

How can i fix a 502 bad gateway?

When I look at my dashboard, there was a spike in CPU usage (maxed at about 5%) and IPv4 traffic (all public inbound) this morning.

For CPU spikes, we recommend using top to monitor, as is explained here:

How do I find out what's causing increased CPU usage on my Linode?

You can monitor your network traffic with different commands, as well. Below I'm linking you to a page that gives you several methods of doing this:

18 commands to monitor network bandwidth on Linux server

I hope this is helpful. If you have any other questions about this, please feel free to ask them here.


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