Installed a Django One click App, now what?

I want to use linode for a django application. I built a onclick django server and it is running with the base install. My problem is I can't find in any doc what got installed and where it got installed so that I can deploy my app. Sorry if this is super basic but I just cant find any doc on what to do after I get the one click app up. Thanks!

5 Replies

Linode Staff

Hey there @jimmyfigiel – you should be able to view your default Django web page/your Django admin panel like so (this information is under "Tips" when you select the one-click app for deployment):

Once the script finishes, go to https://[your-Linode's-IP-address]:8000 in a browser to visit the default web page.

You can also visit https://[your-Linode's-IP-address]:8000/admin to view the Django admin panel.

Check out the Linode Django guide (and the official Django docs) below for more info:

Have fun!

Thank you, I am able to get to the main page and the admin site. I've built django apps locally , but what I can't find is where the base django project files are so I can modify them with my own code. Do i get to them logging into my linode? if so, where are the project files and database located? Thanks again!

Found it! in the ./var/www directory!

Found it! in the ./var/www directory!

Hi there,

I'm a bit late to this question but I just wanted to add that our One-Click deployment uses Django's lightweight web server (runserver) by default. You can see how the app is launched in the cron job that's configured during the One-Click deployment so the app is executed every time the Linode boots (crontab -l will show you all cron jobs for an user):

@reboot cd /var/www/DjangoApp && python3 runserver &

Since runserver is not designed for production, you may want to eventually run your app on web servers like Apache or NGNIX, using uWSGI. Here are some articles that will help you achieve this:

Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx

How to use Django with Apache and mod_wsgi


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