Question about free -m

Linode Staff
I used the free -m Command, but I don't understand what the output means. Can you help me understand it?

1 Reply

(answer by jfeinbaum)

The free command is used to measure the total amount of free and in use physical and swap memory in your system, and adding the -m option will modify it to show all outputs in MegaBytes (MB). As for the different categories it shows, lets look at an example output to get a better understanding:

free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           3946         167        3115           7         663        3543
Swap:           511           0         511

As you can see, the output gives us a handful of categories. Going through them by column from left to right, the definition of each is below:


  • The Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo)
  • The total Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache)
  • The total Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo)
    shared Memory:
  • The memory that is used (for the most part) by tmpfs (the temporary file storage system) (Shmem in /proc/meminfo, available on kernels 2.6.32, displayed as zero if not available)
  • Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)
  • Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and Slab in /proc/meminfo)
    buff/cache: Sum of buffers and cache

These descriptions were taken, (and slightly modified) from the Manual page for the free command. Try this command to check it out yourself! man free


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