RustServer in CentOS7
I create a rust server with CentOS7 and it main service to Taiwanese Player, but it can't show on client serverlist (Hong Kong's player can see my server).
How can i do to let all over the world can see my server?
Do I need to make extra setting?
(my server is on Singapore)
1 Reply
Hey there -
I've not played Rust, but I did some digging around on it. It sounds like you may need to configure port forwarding on your server in order to make it public.
The ports that need to be opened for Rust (as given in the above-linked page) are these:
TCP 28015-28016
UDP 28015-28016
Tecmint has a guide on how to enable port forwarding on a Linux server, which I'll link below:
How to Create SSH Tunneling or Port Forwarding in Linux
I hope that helps!