IPv6 addresses lost after reboot

We have few addresses in use by websites on one of our linodes.

The addresses were added using the command:

ip addr add 2600:3c03:e001:019e::1 dev eth0 label eth0:8

(Just like IPv4 addresses).

However, recently we rebooted the linode and after reboot we couldn't connect to the linode using the IPv6 addresses. The IPv4 addresses were there, but 'ip -6 addr' command didn't show any of the ones that we had added and were in use. So we had to add them again.

How do we make the linode remember the IPv6 addresses after a reboot, or why were they lost to begin with?

1 Reply

Hi @lazeez

I would check to see if you have the Network Helper feature enabled on your Linode. Network Helper will automatically configure networking on a Linode and will overwrite any manual configuration changes made when the Linode is rebooted. Our guide for Network Helper includes information on how to enable or disable this feature account wide, and for an individual Linode.

It sounds like you were able to add these IPv6 address back to the Linode, as you're manually configuring network addressing you may find our Linux Static IP Configuration helpful. We also have another post on the Community Questions site that provides information on how to add additional IPv6 addresses from a /64 pool.

I hope this information helps!


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