mounting Linode object storage on linode Instance.


We have linode instances and today i have purchased Linode object storage. I would like to mount this object storage on Linodes Centos 7.8.

I have tried

  1. s3fs my-mc-bucket /test -o passwd_file=/etc/passwd-s3fs -o url= -o -o use_path_request_style -o dbglevel=info

    This command mounting duplicate as root

2.s3fs my-mc-bucket /test -o url= -o passwd_file=/etc/passwd-s3fs

Nothing Mounting.

Please share any working solution.

thnaks in advance


2 Replies

Object Storage is different than Block Storage, in that this storage solution does not mount to your Linode.

With Object Storage, the files exist in a bucket, which you can access in a couple of different ways. A Linode is not required to have Object Storage.

You can learn more with our guide: How to Use Linode Object Storage

@mcplblr I happened to find this Community Question post when looking for an answer to this question as well. You and others may find these steps useful.

How do I use s3fs on Linode Object Storage?


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