How do I apply the 100 credits promotion?

Good morning team

When I created my account it showed that I would have a $100 free credit, but now when I go to the billing section I can't see it applied

did I need to apply any promo code?, and in that case would it be necessary to cancel my account and create a new one in order to get it?

I really want to try out your services, thanks in advance.

14 Replies

@Hiddenberg Welcome to Linode! I think I've located your account and I've made sure the promotional credit was applied. So, there is no need to create a new account. 😊 This one is ready to go. Please, keep in mind that the $100 credit is only available for 60 days from today.

I hope this helps!

Great! thank you so much

I do not see this either, where should we be looking?

Hi @Hiddenberg, I can't find my $100 credit. I just found that out upon signup.

Hi @maleekx - If you're not seeing the credit you expect, open a ticket and let us know which promo code you intended to use or page you signed up from. Myself or another member of the support team will be happy to help out.

I have signed for the Linode hashnode Hackathon and wanted to use the 100 dollars that is offered but I can't seem to find the money in my account pls support.

Hola equipo Linode como puedo conseguir la promoción de $100 por 60 días no me aplicaron en mi cuenta

@Ongeowun and @Calle2022 A member of the Support team can review your account and add a promotional credit to your account. The best way to contact Support is by opening a ticket in Cloud Manager.

Hey i also didnt get 100$ beacuase i havent entered a coupan. Please Management Team Reply me & give me it.

I also signed up for Linode (awesome platform) .. but cant find the 100$ credit?

Hey, I just have the same problem. the 100$ free credit were not applied

@bernardflach and @mac110 The Linode Support team can review your account and add a promotional credit to your account. The best way to contact Support is by opening a ticket in Cloud Manager.


@mtcotton846 i just signup linode, can i get the promo code too?


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