Backup plan


I'm a OVH user.
Yesterday their datacenter burnt to hell and I could not have access to my server AND backups. Luckily I had a backup on Gitlab and I could deploy a new server from scratch on Linode.

Now, how are Linode backups managed ?
Can this happen at Linode (not having access to backups because datacenter is down) ?
Is it a good idea to save backup files in Object Storage on the same datacenter as my Linodes. Object Storage is supposed to be replicated right ?

Thanks to give me guidelines to have a Disaster Recovery Plan.

PS : I have a small server and not a big infrastructure, Linode 1GB/1 Core.

1 Reply

Backups are stored in the same data centre (just on different hardware) so yes it is possible that automatic backups taken by Linode could also be destroyed if the data centre burns down like OVH's sadly did.

I would always recommend to backup your data off-site.

You could use object storage to achieve this, as long as you pick a different data-centre for your object storage bucket to where your Linode is.

Restic is a fantastic piece of software that will take backups and store them encrypted, in an Object Storage bucket -

Restic also supports plenty of storage providers, so you could also store your vault with a completely different provider to Linode for extra safety - such as Backblaze's B2 cloud.

I contributed an article on using Restic to backup MySQL to Object Storage, if this helps:


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