Object storage: how to change the label

I'm planning to start a new website. Video driven. The domain name has not been bought yet. It's a wip (work in progress). It would be nice to prepare the idea already and upload. As I haven't bought the domain name yet, it's necessary to rely on a temporary name and create an Object Storage (bucket, for I'm already a customer) as such.

I have figured out the hard way we can't change the bucket name. Would it be possible for the Linode crew to do that for us? I mean, when I do buy the domain name and I can proof it to you, it should be possible to change it to videos.example.com from any bucket name. Well at least, that's what I hope. If no, I have to wait until I buy the new domain name.

5 Replies

The way I understand it, is you would create a CNAME on your domain pointing to the Linode bucket name with the "website" prefix.


Bucket name: my-temporary-bucket.eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com

CNAME: videos.example.com -> my-temporary-bucket.website-eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com

Therefore the bucket name wouldn't need to change as it isn't exposed to clients. You would need to upload a custom SSL certificate for videos.example.com to your bucket if you need to support HTTPS.

Host a Static Site using Linode Object Storage (see the section Upload your Static Site to Linode Object Storage)

OK, thanks. If that works. All is good.

In retrospective.

Uploading a custom SSL certificate is the problem. It won't be accepted by browsers as trusted. Just like with AWS, where your bucket name has to be exactly your domain name. This is also true on Linode. As explained in your own documentation.

My question still stands. Can somebody of the admin change the name of the bucket if I can proof I own the domain name? It's a reasonable request. In AWS users can change the name of the bucket. Why is that not possible on Linode?

Uploading a custom SSL certificate is the problem. It won't be accepted by browsers as trusted.

I’m confused by this.

If your SSL certificate is valid for videos.example.com, and you have a CNAME for videos.example.com, and you access your bucket at videos.example.com - everything is in line and would be trusted by the browser (I believe.)

The key is to make sure your certificate was issued by a trusted authority and is for the same domain as your CNAME record.

Can somebody of the admin change the name of the bucket if I can proof I own the domain name?

You wouldn’t be able to create a bucket with a FQDN of videos.example.com, it would always be something.us-east-1.linodeobjects.com (in Newark, NJ.)

UPDATE: apologies, it looks like your bucket name does have to be the FQDN of your custom domain/SSL. My suggestion would therefore be to create a new bucket matching your domain, and use a tool like Rclone, Cyberduck etc. to transfer the contents. Then you can delete the original bucket.

how to configure static site on object storage to work on root/apex? like "example.com"??


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