How do I set up a SSL certificate

Hi, I had run a WP website on DreamHost for years, and currently moved my host to Linode due to better performance. While the domain is still sitting on DreamHost, how do I set up a SSL certificate?
There's an option while creating a Linode:
"Would you like to use a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate? (Uses the Linode's default rDNS if no domain is specified above)"
I chose "Yes," yet a SSL certificate didn't seem to happen. Or must I purchase DreamHost's SSL yearly plan? Sorry for the dummy question. Thanks!

1 Reply

You can install an SSL certificate on your Linode regardless of where your DNS records are kept, so long as the domain is pointed to your Linode's IP. You have the option of using Let's Encrypt to create an SSL certificate, or purchasing a commercial SSL certificate via a certificate authority such as DreamHost. For Let's Encrypt, I'd suggest reviewing this guide. For a commercial SSL certificate, you'll want to take a look at this guide instead.

It also sounds like you may have used a Marketplace App to create your Linode. If this is the case, please feel free to open a Support ticket so that we can take a look at why the SSL creation option didn't work as expected.


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