Smaller minimum size for block storage


I am investigating moving all my services from regular Linodes to LKE. One area where things don't look very good is the cost.

I am currently using local disks on my Linodes. Switching to block storage for persistent volumes is a given, I guess, and it will drive up the costs, but the main problem is fragmentation. I am not able to create a 100 GB volume and split it amongst my applications, but rather I must allocate volumes individually. Most of my applications require far less than 10 GB of storage per volume, so I would end up paying a disproportionate amount for what storage I'm actually using.

Is there a plan to reduce the minimum size for block storage? Please add my vote to a such a feature request, if it exists.

Alternatively, supporting ReadWriteMany semantics might help, but I guess that's a much harder problem.


2 Replies

Hi @rombert — I've passed along your feedback and made note of it in our internal tracking for this feature request.

Alternatively, supporting ReadWriteMany semantics might help, but I guess that's a much harder problem.

Due to limitations with our Block Storage service, we don’t have any current plans to support ReadWriteMany for PeristentVolumes deployed on Linode Block Storage.

Ack, thanks for the reply @cmcfarland!


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